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Free For All: The Public Library

This fascinating documentary covers the long history and current state of public libraries.

April 7 @ 7:00 pm

The Lindsay is partnering with the Sewickley Public Library on a special event celebrating all that public libraries have done and continue to do for all of us.

The PBS documentary Free For All: The Public Library will screen at The Lindsay on Monday, April 7, at 7 p.m. This film dives deep into the history of public libraries, the pioneering women behind the “Free Library Movement,” and how these institutions are still providing crucial services despite ongoing challenges like closures and book bans.

Free For All was directed by Dawn Logdson and Lucie Faulknor. They chart the public library’s trajectory from the concept’s inception during the late 19th century through its current place in the digital age.

Along the way, Logsdon and Faulknor spotlight the women who spearheaded the original “Free Library Movement.” They also interview modern librarians about their dedication to serving families and individuals by providing free access to these integral community facilities.

There will be a Q&A following the April 7 screening. We won’t make anyone pay to watch Free For All at The Lindsay, though RSVPs are encouraged in advance due to space limitations.