Especially as a nonprofit, collaboration plays a huge role in Theater operations and programming.
Even before the Theater’s doors opened, the team talked with community leaders, learning the best ways to work with their organizations. Since opening, The Lindsay has been honored to partner with more than 200 different schools, universities and colleges, social service agencies, support groups, nonprofits, faith-based organizations businesses, groups formed around special interest like arts, technology, the outdoors, environmental issues, humanities, medicine and health—and continues to seek new partnerships that will serve the region.
In some cases, collaboration is for a one-time special program. In many other cases, partnerships are ongoing, and the resulting programs become embedded in continued programming, such as sensory friendly screenings, Open Mic sessions and concerts; dance and music school recitals; and other activities. In some cases, the Theater is able to open its doors to partners at times beyond the hours it generally serves the public, such as when working with school groups during classroom hours.
If your group is interested in special programming or a field trip, please email us directly at with a description of the event you are planning, and the optimal time and date.
Because of the Theater’s priority of serving the public, rentals for private celebrations are curtailed.